With today's technology, hardwood flooring manufacturers are able to strengthen their surface finishes with everything from Aluminum Oxide, Titanium to Ceramic particles mixed with the finishes. Quality manufacturers use six to ten coats of these durable finishes on their flooring. These finishes create a very wear-resistant durable surface for normal foot traffic for many years. Regardless of the brand of wood flooring or finish though, all wood flooring can be scratched or indented if something heavy and/or sharp is pushed, dragged, or rolled over its surface. This includes stiletto heels or even a pebble stuck to the bottom of your shoe. It's important to maintain your hardwood floors to prevent unnecessary damage.
Maintaining hardwood floor is straightforward. To optimize the hardwood floor’s appearance and to prevent it from damage, consider following these normal care and maintenance procedures in your usual chores.
No matter how careful one is in maintaining their hardwood floor, it is inevitable to have scratches on the surface. That's why we recommend a hardwood floor maintenance plan to keep your hardwood floors looking new. Give us a call at, 919-336-1562, to discuss our plan options.